this is the only thing I can think to do right now

Whew -- I am avoiding saying the phrase "could 2020 get any worse?!" because I am not about to put that energy into the universe just to have it come back and boomerang my ass into a hard lesson.

Things could always get worse.

But I think for all of us Oregonians right in thick gray smoke and unable to fully breathe, we are having a hard time finding any silver lining.

For all of my clients who have had to evacuate their homes, I am so, so sorry. 

If this is you and you have resources that I can share to offer support, please send me the info. I will do anything I can to help.

In that same tone, the only thing I can think to do right now is to offer up skincare and makeup for you to pamper yourself with. Albeit small and in the grand scheme of things, unnecessary, if I can provide you with some fun goodies to temporarily get your mind off of all-the-things one could be upset by right now, I want to do that.

If you didn't know, my go-to skincare is Epionce and my favorite makeup line is Glo Skin Beauty. 

For Epionce samples I have delicious cleansers and serums all the way to extravagant and moisturizing facial lotions and creams.

For Glo, I have some epic tinted moisturizer and lip gloss samples I would love to share. 

The tinted moisturizer is fantastic for blurring pores and providing the teeniest bit of coverage, all while providing UVA/UVB broadband protection in SPF 30. 

The lip gloss has turned out to be one of my all time favorites; soft and beautiful colors with a megawatt high shine all without the stickiness of traditional gloss.

You and I both know a tinted moisturizer and a face cream are not going to do sh*t for our Oregon trees and provide any movement towards racial equality right now, but it may help fill your cup, at least a little.

And if there is something I can do right now to support the bigger picture, it is me providing anything I can to pamper each one of you individually. It’s all about filling that cup.

Lastly, if you just want to vent, I'm here for that too. Always. Send an email to me at

Everybody please stay safe and sane out there.



Emily Mercer